AsterFax the Email to Fax Gateway for Asterisk.
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AsterFax and Asterisk IT have both been renamed.

Asterfax is now known as Noojee Fax

Asterisk IT is now known as Noojee Telephony Solutions.

Noojee Fax documentation and support can now be obtained via:

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Asterisk IT is the primary developer and sponsor of AsterFax the Open Source Email to Fax Gateway for Asterisk.
Asterisk I.T. offer a range of support options for AsterFax as well as general Asterisk consulting services.  Contact for more information.
You can also receive support from the Asterfax and Asterisk communities by by posting at the relevant forum.

AsterFax - Asterisk Fax Logo

Trouble Shooting Guide

Debug Logs

Before you start trouble shooting AsterFax you may want to adjust the logging options to output more information.
There are a couple of things you need to do.
1. Edit /usr/lib/asterfax/config/log4j
Replace all occurances of the word INFO with DEBUG.
2. Edit /user/lib/asterfax/config/AsterFax.xml
Find the element <AsterFax><Settings><Debug>.
Change the Enabled element to True
3. Restart AsterFax

If you are having problems with the OpenOffice converters you can turn on debugging by setting the following two values from False to True:
When enabled OpenOffice will write debug information to:

This path is currently hard coded if you need to change it you can edit the AsterFax.xba file.

Before you start you should read the following guide:

Transmission Fails after remote end answers (using Zap Cards)

One possible cause is that the gain on your Zap card needs to be adjusted. The desired setting is likely to very based on location, card etc.
As a general guide try setting you rxgain to around 8.0 and your txgain to around 1.0

For my configuration I have the following values:

I have also heard of other people using an rxgain of 7.0. You may need to fiddle.

The following articles may be of assistance: (I've duplicated Kris's article on setting Asterisk txgain and rxgain here.)

Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/ (or similar)

Note: the following error is generally not viewed as critical as most user have found that the conversion works regardless of the error occuring. However if it annoys you then the following should fix the problem.

Heison Chak submitted the following fix:
If you are receiving and error from the x-windows subsytem when is called to render a tiff file similar to:

01 Mar 2006 13:51:54,962 ERROR output> Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing from list! 

Then Heison recommends the following fix:
I could not figure out where to get the CID fonts, but found this package installed (under Debian): 

install the package using something like:
apt-get install x-ttcidfont-conf
By creating a symlink the error goes away.
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID -> /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType

Monitoring Asterisk Manager API

You can monitor the Asterisk Manger API traffic between AsterFax and Asterisk by running:
ngrep -s 4000 port 5038

AsterFax UserGuide
Configuring Email Clients
Supported File Formats
Installing AsterFax
Configuring AsterFax
Testing AsterFax
Trouble Shooting AsterFax
Running AsterFax
Configuring SendMail
Configuring GhostScript
Configuring OpenOffice
Add your own File format

AsterFax is Sponsored by Asterisk I.T.
©2006  Asterisk I.T. all rights reserved. Some parts of this site may be the copyright of other authors. If you want to copy parts of this page you may do so provided you have gained permission from Asterisk I.T. first. Email
AsterFax™ is a trade mark of Asterisk I.T..
I'm not a great believer in Trade Marking Open Source software but unfortunately someone has been running a scam to redirect traffic to a bogus AsterFax web site. As such I've trade marked AsterFax's name to provide protection from such people.