AsterFax the Email to Fax Gateway for Asterisk.
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AsterFax and Asterisk IT have both been renamed.

Asterfax is now known as Noojee Fax

Asterisk IT is now known as Noojee Telephony Solutions.

Noojee Fax documentation and support can now be obtained via:

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Asterisk IT is the primary developer and sponsor of AsterFax the Open Source Email to Fax Gateway for Asterisk.
Asterisk I.T. offer a range of support options for AsterFax as well as general Asterisk consulting services.  Contact for more information.
You can also receive support from the Asterfax and Asterisk communities by by posting at the relevant forum.

AsterFax - Asterisk Fax Logo

SpanDSP error codes

SpanDSP provides the core functionallity within Asterisk for sending and recieving faxes.
If you are using trixbox  then you don't need to worry about SpanDSP as it is included in the base install.

If however you have installed Asterisk 1.2 (or earlier) then you are going to have to rebuild Asterisk to include SpanDSP.
We don't recommend this for the novice, you need to a fairly competent Linux Sys Admin before I would suggest you undertake this task.

In reality there is no reason not to use trixbox as it contains all of the functionality of Asterisk plus more.
We strongly recommend you install trixbox.

Having said that; if you still want to install Asterisk then the following explains the process for adding SpanDSP functionality.

Steve Underwood is the developer of SpanDSP and you can view his site at:



Known Issues


SpanDSP Error Codes

These details are provided as a general services to all txfax and rxfax users (I know I found them handy).
Below is a list of error codes which can be return by txfax and rxfax  and there meaning. These error codes appear in the Asterisk log files not the AsterFax logs.

Value  Meaning
0 OK 
 External problems 
1  The CED tone exceeded 5s 
2  Timed out waiting for initial communication 
3  Timed out waiting for the first message 
4  Timed out waiting for procedural interrupt 
5  The HDLC carrier did not stop in a timely manner 
6  Failed to train with any of the compatible modems 
7  Operator intervention failed 
8  Far end is not compatible 
9  Far end is not receive capable 
10  Far end is not transmit capable 
11  Unexpected message received 
12  Far end cannot receive at the resolution of the image 
13  Far end cannot receive at the size of image 

 Internal problems 
14  TIFF/F file cannot be opened 
15  TIFF/F page not found 
16  TIFF/F format is not compatible 
17  Unsupported feature 

18  Received bad response to DCS or training 
19  Received a DCN from remote after sending a page 
20  Invalid ECM response received from receiver 
21  Timer T5 expired, receiver not ready 
22  Received a DCN while waiting for a DIS 
23  Invalid response after sending a page 
24  Received other than DIS while waiting for DIS 
25  Timed out waiting for next send_page command from driver 
26  Received no response to DCS, training or TCF 
27  No response after sending a page 

 Phase E status values returned to a receiver 
28  Invalid ECM response received from transmitter 
29  DCS received while waiting for DTC 
30  Unexpected command after page received 
31  Carrier lost during fax receive 
32  Timed out while waiting for EOL (end Of line) 
33  Timed out while waiting for first line 
34  Timed out waiting for next receive page command 
35  Timer T2 expired while waiting for DCN 
36  Timer T2 expired while waiting for phase D 
37  Timer T2 expired while waiting for fax page 
38  Timer T2 expired while waiting for next fax page 
49  Timer T2 expired while waiting for RR command 
40  Timer T2 expired while waiting for NSS, DCS or MCF 
50  Unexpected DCN while waiting for DCS or DIS 
60  Unexpected DCN while waiting for image data 
61  Unexpected DCN while waiting for EOM, EOP or MPS 
62  Unexpected DCN after EOM or MPS sequence 
63  Unexpected DCN after RR/RNR sequence 
64  Unexpected DCN after requested retransmission 
65  TIFF/F page number tag missing 
66  Incorrect values for TIFF/F tags 
67  Bad TIFF/F header - incorrect values in fields 
68  Invalid value for fax parameter 
69  Invalid initial state value specified 
70  Last command contained invalid data 
71  Fax call disconnected by the other station 
72  Illegal argument to function 
73  Illegal call to function 
74  Data requested is not available (NSF, DIS, DCS) 
75  Cannot allocate memory for more pages 
76  Poll not accepted 
77  Initial state value not set 
78  Disconnected after permitted retries 

AsterFax UserGuide
Configuring Email Clients
Supported File Formats
Installing AsterFax
Configuring AsterFax
Testing AsterFax
Trouble Shooting AsterFax
Running AsterFax
Configuring SendMail
Configuring GhostScript
Configuring OpenOffice
Add your own File format

AsterFax is Sponsored by Asterisk I.T.
©2006  Asterisk I.T. all rights reserved. Some parts of this site may be the copyright of other authors. If you want to copy parts of this page you may do so provided you have gained permission from Asterisk I.T. first. Email
AsterFax™ is a trade mark of Asterisk I.T..
I'm not a great believer in Trade Marking Open Source software but unfortunately someone has been running a scam to redirect traffic to a bogus AsterFax web site. As such I've trade marked AsterFax's name to provide protection from such people.